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A member registered Sep 02, 2019

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i have same feeling, and modded some things because of this. Like not requesting "anal" for those without "enjoys anal" and anal virgins. And "humilate" only for "like it rough" and "masochist" and etc etc etc

Im using a part of this mod(inventory stats). Export is ok but using excel is not that thing. this way easier to write a tool that read json from save file.

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and if change  "if randf() < 0.15 && temparray.size() > 0: generaterequest(temparray[randi()%temparray.size()])" to "if randf() < 0.15 && temparray.size() > 0: generaterequest(i)" and include it to "for i in participants:" it will not be limited to 1 requst per turn for all participiants.

Now its just a "if randf() < 0.15 && temparray.size() > 0:". My suggestion is like this "if randf() < (0.15+0.15*i.person.lewdness+0.15*i.person.lust) && temparray.size() > 0:" and on each generated request lewd/lust values will decrease. Just a eg.
This way the more lewd/lust partner will want more of action.

You can use spell "Mutation" it has chanse to cause pregnancy

Make Slave spreadsheet to more free table with filters, sorting, change order. And if you manage to make columns customizable.

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I suggest to make chance of request depends on lust/lewd and not just rnd. From some form of arousal.

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I suggest that "forced" partners will not make any requests. They dont want whole thing at all, then why they want smth?
Also maybe "low obedience" partners dont make impossible requests(eg. they want do smth but refuse to do anything).

I suggest move text strings to dedicated files asap. This will make localization process much easier.

  1. 0.5.25(win32)
  2. win7x64
  3. we got this in fear spell "person.stress += 20-caster.smaf*3". at smaf 7+ stress will decrease instead
  4. not needed
  5. not needed
  6. better change to smth like "person.stress += max(20-caster.smaf*3, 5)"
(2 edits)

Afaik this stats cant be increased(only 2 events can) in 0.5.25. I checked scripts and found out the only way is obsolete actions.
Will this change?

Upd. it can be raised using learning points